Testimonial Yeabsira Petros Proofread by Fiona Morandini, traduction française, traducción española Raquel Pazos. Nov 2014.
My name is Yeabsira Petros, I am a 24 year old Ethiopian and I joined ICV in February 2014 as a Project Coordinator intern. More...
On the track of African cloth Daniel Santafosta, Youssef Youssef, Filmon Abraha, traduction française: Carole Bonotaux, traducción española Raquel Pazos. Jul 2014.
The aim of the Ethical Fashion Initiative is to provide an opening to European and other markets for cloths that are ethically designed and produced through different production channels in Burkina Faso, Mali and Ghana. More...
Testimonial Cristina By Cristina (English and Spanish), traduction française Lara Gasztowtt. Aug 2013.
I am a professional translator and interpreter and have been working on a freelance basis since 2004. More...
Ana: Interpreting a job By Diego Beamonte, traduction française Irene Schwieger, traducción española Ana Beltran. Mar 2012.
In the ethnically diverse microcosm of Geneva, one becomes accustomed to people of sundry heritage and mixed lineage. More...
It's never too late Article by Patrycja Perek, traduction française Namory Dikhate, traducción española Ana Beltran. Mar 2012.
Irene: a different perspective By Diego Beamonte, traduction française Irene Schwieger, traducción española Ana Beltran. Feb 2012.
After leaving her previous unsatisfying internship in Geneva, Irene Schwieger arrived at ICVolunteers in November of 2011 with a plethora of work experience for her young age, and an eager commitment to improve the world. More...
Namory Dakhaté has been working with ICVolunteers Dakar for a year and has coordinated a number of activities for the E-TIC project. More...
Perspectives on ICV By Bethany Tew, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. Jul 2009.
I study French with International Relations at university in the UK and from February 2009 of my third year of studies, I spent five months as an intern for ICVolunteers in Geneva. More...
Out of nowhere By V. Krebs, Excutive Director of ICVolunteers, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. Apr 2009.
It was late, when I returned from Taipei to Tokyo, with the address of the hotel that had been pre-reserved for me in the heart of the Japanese capital, close to the Ueno station. More...
10 years with ICV Ed Sackstein, traducción al español Miguel Ortiz. Mar 2009.
Ed Sackstein, who has been involved in ICVolunteers since its early days, shares his thoughts. More...
I was assisting as a volunteer at the World Blind Union's 7th General Assembly at Geneva's International Conference Centre (CICG), 14-22 August 2008. More...
245 voluntarios participaron en la Asamblea Mundial de la Unión de Ciegos para acompañar a los varios cientos de delegados ciegos y deficientes visuales de todo el mundo. More...