...more Editorials

We found forty matches.

Interpreters at the service of landmine survivors

Interpreters at the service of landmine survivors
Myrna Sultan / Nancy Gagné. Nov 2005.

On the occasion of the meeting of the Landmine Survivors Network, ICVolunteers was once again involved in providing volunteer interpreters. More...
Making Sense in the Wave of a Tsunami

Making Sense in the Wave of a Tsunami
Chongcharoen (Pok) Sornkaew / AS. Nov 2005.

Chongcharoen (Pok) Sornkaew is originally from Thailand and works as a volunteer with ICV. More...
Team members tell their stories

Team members tell their stories
VK. Nov 2005.

The volunteer team at the Geneva office is a critical part of ICVolunteers, without which the organization could not run. More...
To be part of the ICV Office team...

To be part of the ICV Office team...
Aug 2005.

The volunteer team at the Geneva office is a critical part of ICVolunteers, without which the organization could not run. More...

Feedback: to be part of the ICV Office team...
May 2005.

The volunteer team at the Geneva office is a critical part of ICVolunteers, without which the organization could not run. More...
Cyber-volunteering across borders

Cyber-volunteering across borders
May 2005.

Volunteer shakes sand out of his keyboard in Mali
With a qualification in computer engineering under his belt and looking for some real-world experience, young Tunisian Marouen Mraihi seized the opportunity to become a cyber-volunteer in Mali. More...
A week in the Shoes of a volunteer coordinator

A week in the Shoes of a volunteer coordinator
Sep 2004.

For the first time, a meeting of the UNESCO National Commissions for the Europe and North America Region was held in Switzerland. More...
This entry is about: 18th World Volunteer Conference

This entry is about: 18th World Volunteer Conference
Marouen Mraihi. Sep 2004.

J'ai eu l'occasion de participer pendant mes années d'études à plusieurs conférences et manifestations internationales se déroulant dans mon pays, tantôt en tant que participant tantôt en tant que organisateur volontaire. More...
Cooperation through Volunteering ...not just a political statement...

Cooperation through Volunteering ...not just a political statement...
Aug 2004.

Fifty volunteer reporters and interpreters from ICVolunteers helped in the background of the 18th World Volunteer Conference to make the Conference go smoothly. More...
Being a reporter

Being a reporter
Randy Schmieder. Jul 2002.

Meet Volunteer Reporter Cheryl Fischer
Cheryl Fischer was one of many volunteers who helped contribute summaries to the online news for the World Civil Society Forum. More...

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