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Marcela Parra Luna
Hey! I'm Marcela, I'm colombian and languages teacher. I speak french and also english, I'm very excited about having the oppportunity to work as a volunteer in one of the different projects offered by icvolunteers, I'd like to work as interpreter/translator, writer, or any other. I love to help others and also travel, that's because I could go everywhere!!! I'm also interested in meeting other volunteers and share some experiences.... :) :)
— Marcela, Colombia
Morgan Piguet
Passionné d'événementiel. Nombreuses expériences en tant que bénévole (nombreux postes) ou responsable d'équipe, coordinateur, chargé de projet... Bonne maitrise de l'anglais. Prêt à voyager pour du court terme (moins de 2 semaines).
— Morgan, Switzerland
Pierre Branciard
Young Graduate student, with a Master Degree in Social and Solidarity Economics in France, I had a first experience with the UN, during an Internship at UNISDR in 2012. I want to pursue this experience helping in the organisation of the Global Platform in May 2013. I seek with this volunteering to bring my knowledge and competences for the organisation of UN's conferences. This ICV will be an opportunity for me to meet international organisation and NGO, as my professional project is to work on the field of International Relation.
— Pierre, France
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