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ICVoluntarios recluta y coordina a los interpretes voluntarios. Son intérpretes profesionales, así como estudiantes de lenguas o de interpretación y personas poliglotas. ICVoluntarios propone la interpretación simultánea y consecutiva. También ver sección sobre idiomas: traducción.

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Consejo ejecutive de Defensa de los Niños - Internacional

20 - 21 Septiembre 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent, non-governmental organization set up in 1979, the International Year of the Child, to promote and protect the rights of the child. Más...
XIII Conferencia Mundial sobre el VIH/SIDA

XIII Conferencia Mundial sobre el VIH/SIDA

09 - 14 Julio 2000, Durban, Sudáfrica
The XIII World AIDS Conference was the first International AIDS Conference organized in a developing country and the largest conference ever hosted in Africa. Más...
El Próximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

El Próximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

22 - 30 Junio 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
For only the second time in its history, the United Nations General Assembly met in Special Session outside its headquarters in New York. Más...

HIV/AIDS Treatment Access Roundtable

19 - 20 Junio 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
A roundtable on comprehensive HIV/AIDS access to care and treatment in Africa was convened this week to help bring to life the UN-Pharmaceutical initiative announced May 11th. Más...

Conférence "Pugwash" des Etudiants Suisses

07 - 09 Abril 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
This will be the first National Swiss Student Pugwash Conference held in Switzerland. Más...

2e Forum de l'alliance mondiale des villes contre la pauvreté

03 - 05 Abril 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
The aim is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against poverty by enhancing co-operation between city, State and civic society. Más...


14 - 21 Noviembre 1999, Ginebra, Suiza
The Apostolic Movement of Children and Preadolescents is a movement of children, youngsters and philanthropists. Más...
Consejo ejecutive de Defensa de los Niños - Internacional

Consejo ejecutive de Defensa de los Niños - Internacional

01 - 05 Octubre 1999, Ginebra, Suiza
Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent, non-governmental organisation set up in 1979, the International Year of the Child, to promote and protect the rights of the child. Más...
Día Internacional de Personas de Edad

Día Internacional de Personas de Edad

02 Octubre 1999, Ginebra, Suiza
Geneva, with dance and music, a questions and answers session, multicultural food stands, the WHO Global Walk event symbolizing a voyage around the World, as well as storytelling and readings and exhibitions. Más...

Signé 2000

30 Diciembre 1999 - 01 Enero 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
Le 31 décembre 1999 à minuit, nous vivrons le passage à l'an 2000. Más...
10th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm

10th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm

21 - 25 Marcha 1999, Ginebra, Suiza
The annual International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm is the key forum for the dissemination of harm reduction ideas and practice. Más...
12ª Conferencia Mundial del VIH/SIDA

12ª Conferencia Mundial del VIH/SIDA

28 Junio - 03 Julio 1998, Ginebra, Suiza
With 13,000 participants gathered for the 12th World AIDS Conference, organisers have assembled a group of more than 800 volunteers to help with virtually every aspect of the event. Más...

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