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Nuestros voluntarios redactan resúmenes y artículos sobre las conferencias que pueden incluirse en un informe de conferencias o ser publicados en el Internet. ICVoluntarios ofrece un servicio de noticias on-line.

Encontramos resultados 77 entradas.

World Federalist Movement Congress 60th Anniversary

27 - 31 Agosto 2007, Geneva, Suiza
This is a unique opportunity to assist in the World Federalist Movement's XXV World Congress celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Movement! The Congress is charged with forming the fundamental policies that will guide the work of our Movement as a whole. Más...
Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

09 - 11 Mayo 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. Más...


10 Abril 2007
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. Más...
Aid and Trade Forum

Aid and Trade Forum

23 - 25 Enero 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The world's humanitarian challenges consistently increase in complexity and scale. Más...
Pulse para descargar overall_report.pdf (1.2M)

Immigration: Labor Integration Guide

10 - 21 Enero 2007, Barcelona, España
Within the last 10 years, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration. Más...

Edition 2006 du Forum international "Recherche en sport et technologie" (FIRST)

05 - 06 Diciembre 2006, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suiza
Les sports collectifs occupent une place très importante dans la société, de tous les sports peut-être la plus importante. Más...
Curso de Formación en Proteómica: el estudio de las proteínas

Curso de Formación en Proteómica: el estudio de las proteínas

04 Diciembre 2006, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suiza
Proteomics is the analysis of all proteins in a cell, tissue, or organism, with the aim to get a better grasp on the functions of cellular proteins. Más...
World Knowledge Dialogue

World Knowledge Dialogue

14 - 16 Septiembre 2006, Crans-Montana, Suiza
Despite an ever expanding body of scientific knowledge, the comprehension of our surrounding world has little advanced, leaving a gap between the natural sciences and the human/social sciences. Más...
Geneva Forum: Towards Global Access to Health

Geneva Forum: Towards Global Access to Health

30 Agosto - 01 Septiembre 2006, Ginebra, Suiza
It is widely recognized that health is key to prosperity; faced with a globalizing economy, the challenges involved in ensuring access to health have become a matter of great concern and debate. Más...
African Web Language Survey Workshop

African Web Language Survey Workshop

26 - 28 Junio 2006, Bamako, Mali
The Language Observatory (Japan), the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and Linguasphere Observatory (UK) have been collaborating on a African Web Languages Survey Project since the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held from 14-18 November 2005. Más...
Foro Mundial: Cuidad y Calidad de Vida

Foro Mundial: Cuidad y Calidad de Vida

18 - 20 Mayo 2006, Ginebra, Suiza
Society in crisis, evolving society, society in rapid growth: On which values should we build our future?. Más...
International Aid & Trade Conference

International Aid & Trade Conference

25 - 26 Enero 2006, Ginebra, Suiza
Based on the premise, less talk more action, the International Aid & Trade Conference brings together pre-eminent representatives from Government, the UN, international development banks, aid agencies and business to discuss real, current and emerging humanitarian challenges. Más...
Plate-forme internationale sur le Déveoppement Durable Urbain

Plate-forme internationale sur le Déveoppement Durable Urbain

11 - 13 Octubre 2005, Ginebra, Suiza
S-DEV Geneva is a new annual event concerning Sustainable Development. Más...

PrepCom 3 de la Cumbre de la Sociedad de la Información

18 - 30 Septiembre 2005, Ginebra, Suiza
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. Más...
World Summit on the Information Society

World Summit on the Information Society

15 - 19 Noviembre 2005, Tunis, Tunicia
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. Más...

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