...m谩s Proyectos - Redacci贸n de informes

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Encontramos resultados 77 entradas.

59a Comisi贸n de los derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas

59a Comisi贸n de los derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas

17 Marcha - 25 Abril 2003, Ginebra, Suiza
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights is the world's foremost human rights forum. M谩s...
Concerts of CantareS

Concerts of CantareS

30 Abril 2003, Geneva, Suiza
La Coral Iberamericana de Ginebra "CantareS" est un ensemble polyphonique mixte, ayant pour principal objectif de diffuser le vaste patrimoine musical iberoaméricain. M谩s...
Desarrollo sostenible en la era del saber

Desarrollo sostenible en la era del saber

30 - 31 Octubre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The first Project Convention on "Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Era" featured projects that focus on the sharing of knowledge on Sustainable Development and the turning of Agenda 21 into action. M谩s...

3rd Foro Mundial sobre Internet y Multimedia (WSIM)

08 - 10 Octubre 2002, Montreux, Suiza
The digital divide expresses the social, economic and geographical inequalities witnessed across the world in the area of access and use of digital technologies and software applications. M谩s...
Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

18 - 19 Septiembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
There are at least 1,5 million refugee children aged 12-17 in developing countries today. M谩s...
Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil (FMSC 2002)

Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil (FMSC 2002)

08 - 20 Julio 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The Forum aimed to facilitate and strengthen cooperation between civil society (NGOs, indigenous peoples, research centers, etc. M谩s...

XIV Conferencia Mundial sobre el SIDA

07 - 12 Julio 2002, Barcelona, Espa帽a
The 12th World AIDS Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. M谩s...

PrepCom I de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Informaci贸n

01 - 05 Julio 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. M谩s...
Simposio Internacional sobre el Voluntariado

Simposio Internacional sobre el Voluntariado

18 - 21 Noviembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The year 2001, proclaimed International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) by the United Nations, provides a timely opportunity to highlight the achievements of millions of volunteers worldwide. M谩s...
Reuni贸n preparatoria del Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil

Reuni贸n preparatoria del Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil

18 - 20 Julio 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The World Civil Society Forum intends to facilitate cooperation among NGOs, Indigenous peoples organizations, the UN system and other international organizations. M谩s...


02 Junio 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
Three concerts of CantareS The Coral Iberamericana de Ginebra "CantareS" is a mixed polyphonic ensemble, whose principal objective is to disseminate the vast Hispano-American musical patrimony. M谩s...
4陋 Conferencia sobre la Asignaci贸n de Recursos para el Cuidado de los Enfermos de VIH/sida y otras Enfermedades Mortales

4陋 Conferencia sobre la Asignaci贸n de Recursos para el Cuidado de los Enfermos de VIH/sida y otras Enfermedades Mortales

15 - 18 Octubre 2000, Cairo, Egipto
HIV/AIDS is the most deadly epidemic in human history. M谩s...
XIII Conferencia Mundial sobre el VIH/SIDA

XIII Conferencia Mundial sobre el VIH/SIDA

09 - 14 Julio 2000, Durban, Sud谩frica
The XIII World AIDS Conference was the first International AIDS Conference organized in a developing country and the largest conference ever hosted in Africa. M谩s...
El Pr贸ximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

El Pr贸ximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

22 - 30 Junio 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
For only the second time in its history, the United Nations General Assembly met in Special Session outside its headquarters in New York. M谩s...

11th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm

09 - 13 Abril 2000, Jersey, Reino Unido
The annual International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm is the key forum for the dissemination of harm reduction ideas and practice. M谩s...

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