...m谩s Proyectos - Ciencias e investigaci贸n cient铆fica

Encontramos resultados 54 entradas.


27 Septiembre - 01 Octubre 2004, Ginebra, Suiza
The International Metropolis Project is a set of coordinated activities carried out by a membership of research, policy and non-governmental organizations who share a vision of strengthened migration policy by means of applied academic research. M谩s...

First Congress of the Alliance for a Culture of Peace

22 - 27 Junio 2003, Caux, Suiza
During 4 days, 50 influent personalities, i. M谩s...

Conferencia sobre el Desarrollo Social y la Globalizaci贸n

26 - 28 Febrero 2003, Ginebra, Suiza
The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas linked to "the social challenge of development", a theme that is also the subject of a RUIG research project. M谩s...

驴El Desarrollo a trav茅s del Conocimiento?

20 - 22 Noviembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
A current of thought has emerged in the past decade that awards priority to knowledge as a source of development. M谩s...
Desarrollo sostenible en la era del saber

Desarrollo sostenible en la era del saber

30 - 31 Octubre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The first Project Convention on "Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Era" featured projects that focus on the sharing of knowledge on Sustainable Development and the turning of Agenda 21 into action. M谩s...
Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

18 - 19 Septiembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
There are at least 1,5 million refugee children aged 12-17 in developing countries today. M谩s...

VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociaci贸n para la Investigaci贸n Intercultural (ARIC)

24 - 28 Septiembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The main theme of VIII Congress of ARIC is "Intercultural Research and Practices? New Fields, New Complexities?". M谩s...
15e Salon du livre et de la presse

15e Salon du livre et de la presse

27 Abril - 01 Mayo 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The international book and press fair draws some 120'000 visitors annually. M谩s...
El Pr贸ximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

El Pr贸ximo Paso en el Desarollo Social (Ginebra 2000)

22 - 30 Junio 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
For only the second time in its history, the United Nations General Assembly met in Special Session outside its headquarters in New York. M谩s...

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