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Proyectos - Desarrollo urbano

Encontramos resultados 3 entradas.

驴El Desarrollo a trav茅s del Conocimiento?

20 - 22 Noviembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
A current of thought has emerged in the past decade that awards priority to knowledge as a source of development. M谩s...

Inauguraci贸n de la Sede del Fondo Internacional de Solidaridad de la Ciudades contra la Pobreza

12 Abril 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The cities of Bamako (Mali), Geneva (Switzerland) and Lyon (France) launched on 5 March 2001 in Lyon the first International Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty (FSCP). M谩s...

2e Forum de l'alliance mondiale des villes contre la pauvret茅

03 - 05 Abril 2000, Ginebra, Suiza
The aim is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against poverty by enhancing co-operation between city, State and civic society. M谩s...

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