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We found ninety-nine matches.

MOVE Conference

MOVE Conference

22 - 24 May 2007, Bruxelles, Belgium
Coordinated by the European Volunteer Centre (CEV), MOVE (Mutual Recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering) focuses on mutual recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering amongst different stakeholders from the voluntary sector, business, formal education and government as well as accreditation bodies. More...

Consultation on Facilitation of WSIS Action Line C8

24 May 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
After the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005 - evaluation meetings are held once a year in Geneva. More...
Interpretation internship: Development Studies

Interpretation internship: Development Studies

12 February - 27 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
ICVolunteers offers internship opportunities in an university environment in the context of the International Master of Advanced Studies (IMAS) in development. More...


10 April 2007
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. More...
Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

22 February 2007, Paris, France
Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale de la Langue Maternelle (21 février), le Language Observatory Project (LOP) du Japon, en partenariat avec le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique, Maaya, et avec le soutien de l'UNESCO, organise un séminaire sur les récentes recherches réalisées afin de mesurer la présence de certaines langues dans le monde de l'Internet. More...
Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique

Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique

19 - 20 February 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Créé lors de la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information, le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique est un réseau multiacteur abordant les questions liées à la diversité linguistique. More...
Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

30 November -1, Mali, Guinea, South Africa, Uganda
I decided to be part of the UNESCO Group because I wanted to be part of a charitable project where I felt that I would really be helping someone, to know why and to do as much as possible to achieve this. More...
Volunteering without Borders

Volunteering without Borders

03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More...
Volunteering without Borders

Volunteering without Borders

03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More...
European Conference on Educational Research

European Conference on Educational Research

11 - 15 September 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
Knowledge in its various forms - expert knowledge, knowing what to teach and how, scholarly knowledge, embodied cognition, professional and craft practices - is a central concern for educational research, both from a practical and a theoretical viewpoint. More...
Launch of Ouladnagim Tuareg Community Website

Launch of Ouladnagim Tuareg Community Website

21 August 2006, Timbuktu, Mali
The Ouladnagim Tuareg community of Timbuktu has now its own website: www. More...

Cérémonie de remise de diplôme de Master of Advanced Studies en action humanitaire

12 July 2006, Genève, Switzerland
Affrontements politiques dégénérant en conflit militaire, dégradation de l'environnement, effondrement de la situation économique, pillage de ressources naturelles, montée des intolérances sont autant de facteurs à l'origine des crises humanitaires. More...
Launch of House of Languages

Launch of House of Languages

11 July 2006, Barcelona, Spain
Linguamón? House of Languages is a consortium involving the Government of Catalonia, the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia and the Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation, with the aim of promoting the world's languages as a. More...
African Web Language Survey Workshop

African Web Language Survey Workshop

26 - 28 June 2006, Bamako, Mali
The Language Observatory (Japan), the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and Linguasphere Observatory (UK) have been collaborating on a African Web Languages Survey Project since the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held from 14-18 November 2005. More...
Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities

Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities

15 - 17 May 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
The OECD Programme on Educational Building (PEB) promotes the exchange and analysis of policy, research and experience in all matters related to educational building. More...

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