...más Proyectos - Voluntariado

Encontramos resultados 62 entradas.

Coordinator for ICVolunteers in South Africa

Coordinator for ICVolunteers in South Africa

03 Octubre 2006 - 04 Septiembre 2008, Cape Town, Sudáfrica
Designation: ICV Desk Coordinator (could be one or a team of 2 or 3 persons). Más...
IBM Solidarity Week

IBM Solidarity Week

28 Mayo 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
On 28 May 2008, ICVolunteers-Brazil participated in the Week of Solidarity organized by IBM, in Rio de Janeiro. Más...
Third Global Knowledge Conference

Third Global Knowledge Conference

11 - 13 Diciembre 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia
The Third Global Knowledge Conference (GK3) is a gathering of 2000 global visionaries, innovators, practitioners and policy makers, all geared to sharing knowledge and building partnerships. Más...

International Volunteer Day

05 December
05 Diciembre 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Para comemorar o Dia Internacional do Voluntário, 05 de dezembro, e a parceria com o ICVolunteers a Converdgencia, ICV desk Brasil, promoveu um debate e uma festa em homenagem aos seus voluntários e Instituições parceiras, na sala da Universidade Candido Mendes, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Más...
Arnova Annual Conference

Arnova Annual Conference

Developing a community of practice for virtual volunteering
15 - 17 Noviembre 2007, Atlanta, Estados Unidos
Most volunteer organizations now maintain websites that provide information about what they are doing. Más...
Internet Governance Forum

Internet Governance Forum

11 - 16 Noviembre 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
The Internet Governance Forum is an outcome of the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which took place in 2005. Más...
ICTs for Africa

ICTs for Africa

Education, Research, Volunteerism applied to Agriculture and Health
21 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
Room: CCV, room C, rue Varembé, GenevaTime: plenary 9:30-13:00, breakout session 15:00-18:00. Más...
Geneva Music Festival

Geneva Music Festival

22 - 24 Junio 2007, Geneva, Suiza
This year, the 17th annual Geneva Music Festival will take place June 22nd through 24th, 2007. Más...

Training of ICVolontaires-Mali

15 - 16 Junio 2007, Bamako, Mali
The presence of ICVolunteers in Mali is not new; since 2002, a series of projects have been implemented. Más...

Lebanese Association for Volunteer Services

30 Noviembre -1, Libano
The United Nations and aid agencies estimate that around 867,000 people have been affected by the hostilities that erupted on 12 July 2006 between Israel and Hezbollah. Más...


11 - 15 Mayo 2006, Sevilla, España
e-STAS es un evento de carácter internacional y multisectorial donde todos los agentes involucrados en el desarrollo e implementación de lasTIC´s se dan cita para intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos con el fin de erradicar la brecha digital. Más...
First Tuesday: Les nouvelles formes d'engagement citoyen et de volontariat

First Tuesday: Les nouvelles formes d'engagement citoyen et de volontariat

27 Abril 2006, Lausanne, Suiza
Le cybervolontariat et le volontariat d'entreprise (corporate volunteering) comme passerelle pour le développement. Más...

WSIS Volunteer Family

12 Diciembre 2003 - 12 Diciembre 2005
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) -- Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005 --provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. Más...


03 - 04 Noviembre 2005, Valencia, España
Durante los días 3 y 4 del próximo mes, la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia será el escenario de este gran evento solidario que reunirá a representantes del Tercer Sector de todo el mundo. Más...

Republic of Congo: ICT Capacity Building Centers for Women

16 Agosto 2005 - 16 Agosto 2006, Congo, República del
The use of ICTs for development and the social changes triggered by associations and NGOs contribute to the reduction of poverty. Más...

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